Look To The Skies

A Game about exploration and adventure!

Welcome To The Future

Look To The Sky is a powered by the apocalypse game with an advanced Space Opera setting where nothing is impossible. A galaxy where everyone is connected, nothing is scarce, and a powerful unique artifact or piece of technology is only a cave dive or a favour away.

Nothing Is Too Far Fetched

In Look To The Sky almost all technological possibilities have been explored including things that modern humans would deem “impossible”. Faster than light and warp drives are abundant, Batteries last indefinitely, Fusion Reactors can power amazingly large structures, Mass Generators create moldable materials out of thin air.

Be Anyone

Sentient life has spread so far and transhumanism and augmentation has extended to the point that the origins of species have been lost to time. Become anyone you want and tomorrow become someone else.

Getting Started


  • Remember to respect the Code Of Conduct.
  • If you are going to approach difficult topics, make sure that everyone has consented.
  • It is open source under CC BY SA 4.0 feel free to fork and modify.
  • It is updated almost weekly with a public change log.
  • It may have proposed changes you can review.
  • A list of known issues is tracked, you can report anything you notice.
  • You can also request features.

Hosted By: Dillon Matchett Licensed Under: CC BY SA 4.0 Originally At: GitHub